I am a Vancouver based Nutritionist serving up real food education! I hope to share food resources, stir the pot, make you think, expose epic feasts, debunk nutrition myths, debate food farces, talk food politics, discuss health issues, uncover what is in season, cook up a storm, eat with passion & make mouths water in the process.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

For those who are wondering...

Its exams.
I am still nutrition adventuring.  In fact- I am reaping the rewards of all of my preserving and freezing.  There is nothing like sweet tart strawberries in December or frozen cassaroles like lasagna on a busy night when you otherwise would of ate something not very nutritious!

Maan Farm Smoothie
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup frozen raspberries
1 organic banana (if you have it)
1/2 cup Jerseyland yogurt (to a blog post)
spoonful of organic blackstrap molasses
splash of water for desired consistency- BLEND!!

Roasted Veg Lasagna (always make 2 (double recipe) or more and freeze)
6-8 cups of homemade or generic organic tomato sauce
  • 1 large zucchini, cut in think coins
  • 1 large yellow squash, cut appropriately for roasted it will depend on the squash
  • 5 red & yellow bell peppers, cut in half
  • 2 onions, sliced thick
  • 1 head of garlic (cut off top)
  • 2 bunches of chard
  • 1/2 lb mushroom caps, cut in 1/4-inch slices
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 egg, lightly beaten
  • 2 1/2 cups of ricotta
  • 1 cup of pesto sauce (if you made some this summer?! or a bunch of chopped basil will do)
  • 1 cup grated Parmesan
  • 12 lasagna noodles 
  • 2 1/2 cups grated mozzarella

Preheat oven to 400°F. Put onion, zucchini, squash, peppers, mushrooms, salt, and oil in a bowl drizzle with olive oil and salt to coat. Clear a small space for the head of garlic. Place vegetables on roasted tray; roast 30 minutes. 
Clean and de stem chard- steam until bright green and pat dry with a towel. Set vegetables aside.

In a bowl, mix egg, ricotta, pesto (optional), and Parmesan. Spread 2 cups of tomato space on the bottom of a baking dish (9'x12'). Top with a the first layer noodles (should be 3). Spoon 1 1/4 cups ricotta mix over noodles, then a layer of roasted vegetables, then 1/2 cup mozzarella. Add another layer of noodles, cover with sauce, add chard and a layer of cheese, cover with noodles. Add the remaining ricotta mix and vegetables and top lasagna with last layer of noodles, 2 cups of sauce and 1 cup mozzarella. Cover with lid or foil. Bake 60 minutes on top of a baking sheet to prevent dripping.

I do have a few new projects to write about- so get ready to ready in the New Year.
Hearty eating everyone

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The information you find here at Vitalis Nutrition Adventures is meant to lead to having more fun with your food! This site provides resources & family friendly recipes. It's not meant to give medical advice or  make health claims on the prevention or curing of diseases. This site is only for informational and educational purposes. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes in your diet. Thank you.