I am a Vancouver based Nutritionist serving up real food education! I hope to share food resources, stir the pot, make you think, expose epic feasts, debunk nutrition myths, debate food farces, talk food politics, discuss health issues, uncover what is in season, cook up a storm, eat with passion & make mouths water in the process.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Blueberry Bonanza- organic $1 lb

The truth is... fruit should be free or at least almost. Reward the farmer and their crew, if there is one.

The warm weather and hints of rain have made for the perfect equation for a blueberry bonanza.

If you are looking to stock up, eat up and get picking- listen here.

Woef's "organic "blueberries"
-20 minutes from Vancouver
- Amazing farmer
- Luscious bushes dripping with ripe fruit
-$1 lb

Drive up Clark until you hit the New West hwy. Turn right on #5. It is 6460 #5 Road.
Once a commercial blueberry patch, this "backyard" is teaming with berries, fruit trees and an incredible vegetable garden. Mr. Woef will give you a tour through the labyrinth of bushes, if you so wish, or you can pick in silence until your hearts content.

Here is indy, my dog, under a shady blueberry bush, which is sagging with heavy fruit ready for the pickin'.

Please note: "where to buy chickens" has been updated in the previous post.

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The information you find here at Vitalis Nutrition Adventures is meant to lead to having more fun with your food! This site provides resources & family friendly recipes. It's not meant to give medical advice or  make health claims on the prevention or curing of diseases. This site is only for informational and educational purposes. Please discuss with your own, qualified health care provider before adding supplements or making any changes in your diet. Thank you.